
There Are 4 Types Of Property Investors…Which one are you?

Did you know that from my personal observation and involvement in the real estate market over the last 20 years, I have identified that most property investors tend to fall into the following 4 broad categories of behaviour;

1. The analytical compulsive information gatherer – usually coming from a technical industry such as engineering, science or medicine, these property investors will spend months and years conducting market due-diligence, crunching numbers and analysing charts.

They tend to read lots of property books, attend workshops and frequent property investing forums and chatrooms…

Most experience ‘analysis paralysis’, due to so many opposing views that exist in the industry on what constitutes the best way to invest, and in most cases, they end up not investing at all…spending years in the sidelines waiting for the perfect time to invest…which never eventuates.

2. The ‘get rich quick’ gambler – this group of people usually come from a direct selling background, or multi-level marketing and have a general interest in ‘alternative’ medicine, alternative energy healing, health and fitness, green drinks and love conspiracy theories.

This group is very open minded, and has a great sense of urgency built to get results NOW!, many of these people have undertaken extensive personal development and hence believe that anything is possible…including becoming a multi-millionaire overnight!

This group of people tend to make impulsive investing decisions and in most cases are not afraid to jump in first!

In a lot of cases they end up losing money by investing in Gold Coast properties, Cash-flow positive properties in Mining towns, US properties, European holiday apartments, etc.

3. The comfort zone investor – makes up the vast majority of property investor market in Australia today, or the 72.8% of investors who own 1 investment property.

This group of people tend to be the PAYG middle class, they are skeptical about attending or spending money on seminars or any type of personal development, books or courses as they claim it’s ‘just common sense’…or you can just ask your accountant or financial planner for advice…

Most of these investors are structured incorrectly and have no idea about how to conduct any type of property or market due-diligence or cash-flow analysis and end up buying one property, within 3 to 5 kilometres to where they live…their ‘comfort zone’, and in most cases the property is comparable to the one they live in themselves.

4. The active savvy property investor – makes up a small percentage of the entire Australian investor population, in fact only 0.9% of all property investors end up owning more than 6 investment properties.

The active savvy property investors come from all walks of life, have varying amounts of income, education and age groups…but they do have one thing in common, and that is a SYSTEM!

You see, developing and implementing a SYSTEM is the single difference between success and failure when it comes to the world of property investing.

By attending the 2 Day Live Real Estate Investing Fast Track Weekend you will learn a proven system that has worked for thousands of successful property investors to successfully build large property portfolios…

And it comes down tot he following 4 things;

  1. Cultivating the right investor PSYCHOLOGY,
  2. Developing the right tailor-made PLAN,
  3. Developing a team of EXPERTS around you, and

So if you have been sitting on the sidelines watching other property investors around you going from strength to strength then you need to book yourself into the next Real Estate Fast Track Weekend live workshop!

Real Estate Fast Track Event Day 1


Join me and 40 like-minded property investors at the next
Real Estate Investing Fast Track Weekend!

Real Estate Fast Track Registration Button

(F.R.E.E Tickets Worth $316)

Seats are strictly limited so book NOW in order to avoid disappointment.


I look forward to seeing you at the event!

Yours in Success,