Learn How To Best Structure Your First Investment Acquisition… AND Why Virtually 9 out of 10 Novice Property Investors Get This Wrong!

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FREE REport Reveals…
How To Best Strucutre Your First Investment Property Acquisition!
If you are serious about learning how to build and structure a multi-million dollar property portfolio from scratch, then this report constitutes essential reading for you!

By reading this report you will:
Why it’s imperative to appreciate the fact that you need to set up and incorporate all your asset protection and all financial structures prior to selecting your investment property and signing a contract of sale. Getting the structure wrong, could not only restrict your borrowing capacity, make some portions of your expenses non-tax deductible, as well as have substantial negative monetary implications long term.
Why it’s essential for you to understand the ‘purpose test’ or the ‘purpose’ of the loan and how the money is utilised when changing your home to an investment property. The determination of whether or not the interest is tax deductible is based on satisfying the premise that there is a direct link or ‘nexus’ between the incurred expense (interest paid on a loan) and the income producing asset. This is essential knowledge for those who are planning to eventually change their home (Primary Place of Residence) into an investment property and still claim all your tax deductions.
How to access a special reference guide directly from the ATO (Australian Tax Office) that will explain how the smartest property investors are maximising their tax deductions on their investment properties and how to treat rental income and expenses, including how to treat more than 30 residential rental property items.
Why it’s extremely important for you to understand the difference between an ‘offset account’ and a ‘redraw facility’ or a ‘line of credit’ and their individual implication on tax deductibility. This is one of the main areas where most investors come undone and one of the main reasons why a vast majority of property investors, some 72.8% only own 1 investment property.
Why it’s important to understand the exact way to build, structure and automate your property portfolio from scratch and have it set up on autopilot for 90% of the time. This report will show you the exact type of bank accounts you need to set up and where to park your rental money each month in order to reduce your ‘bad debts’ of your house (PPR) and focus on accumulating more ‘good debts’, investment properties. Most investors get this wrong and this ends up costing them lots of money and more importantly lost opportunities.
PLUS much, much more!
This report is based on extracts from the book ‘Australian Property Finance Made Simple’ by Konrad Bobilak
What ‘Australian Property Finance Made Simple’ book with teach you:
- How to potentially save thousands of dollars in interest payments and pay off your current 30 year Principal and Interest Mortgage in 15 years or less, potentially saving you tens or even hundreds of dollars in interest payments to the bank.
- How to correctly structure your first and subsequent investment property acquisitions and why you should never cross-collateralise your properties.
- The function and importance of LVR (Loan to Value Ratio), LOC (Line Of Credit facilities), LMI (Lenders Mortgage Insurance), Offset Accounts and Terms and Conditions Loans.
- How to beat the banks at their own game by understanding the exact formulas that the banks use to work out how much money you can borrow: DSR (Debt Servicing Ration).
- 12 Powerful Ways to ‘Super-Charge’ your borrowing capacity that will enable you to buy more property than you ever thought possible.
- 19 Crucial Questions that you must know in order to choose the best Mortgage Broker in the industry.
- 12 Most Common and Deadly ‘Property Finance’ Mistakes and how you can avoid them.

“Konrad Bobilak is one of Australia’s leading Presenters on Finance and Property. He not only imparts this knowledge but provides the tools that people need to actively transfer information to action.”
About The Author

Konrad Bobilak
Konrad Bobilak, the CEO and founder of Investors Prime Real Estate, has spent his entire career in the Financial Services, Banking, and Real Estate industries in Melbourn
Konrad’s formal education consists of a Bachelor of Business Management (B.Bus.Mgt), at Monash University, specialising in Organizational Change, later undertaking further studies in Financial Planning, Mortgage Broking and his ultimate passion, Real Estate. In addition, he has extensive experience in Managed Funds, Risk Insurance, Real Estate Sales, Commercial Lending, Residential Lending, and Asset Finance, as well as being a Financier for one of the four major banks.
In his variety of roles, working predominantly with high net worth individuals, Konrad has literally had a wealth of exposure to the unique mindset and financial structures of truly successful people and investors. It is his experience and insight that renders him a most astute investor himself, having personally built a multi-million-dollar property portfolio in Melbourne and Queensland over the last decade; he truly practises what he preaches. Konrad’s unique insights into ‘Wealth Psychology’ combined with a highly specialised knowledge of the Finance and the Real Estate Industry in Australia, have made him a sought after Real Estate and Finance key note speaker.
Having taught tens of thousands of people in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, Konrad has had the unique opportunity of sharing the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferris, and Randi Zuckerberg in audiences of up to five thousand people. Konrad has also been a regular contributor of articles to some of Australia’s leading published real estate investing media. With real,hands-on experience in building start-up companies to multi-national, Konrad’s unique balance of practical, in-the-field sales experience, first-hand depth of experience in finance and real estate knowledge, as well as executive management experience, has resulted in Konrad been one of the most sought after consultants in his field as well as being recognized by many as the one of the most progressive thinkers in the Industry at present.