
My Past Prediction For Melbourne Real Estate Performance In 2017 Was 100% On The Money!

In February 2017 I predicted that Melbourne real estate median price appreciation would increase by 12 to 13 per cent. My prediction was recorded on the YouTube video below;

(Just fast forward to 39:30 sec to the actual prediction, or watch the entire video from the beginning to the end to understand the justification for my opinion.)

(Don’t miss out, CLICK HERE to get up to date video education from Konrad Bobilak.)

And guess what, recent official RP Data figures come out with 12.1% for Dec 1st 2017…

RP Data Dec 2017

When I am right, I am right…

Would you like to know my predications for 2018 and beyond?

And more importantly which suburbs in Melbourne will rise far beyond the average and which will fall in value or move sideways, then join me and 40 like-minded property investors at the very first Real Estate Fast Track Weekend for 2018!

(3rd & 4th February 2018)

Click here to reserve your ticket today!

Seats are strictly limited so book NOW in order to avoid disappointment…

Investing in yourself may be the most profitable investment of your life!

Yours in success,