
Learn 5 Ways To Buy Property with Virtually No Money Down!

Dear Fellow Property Investor,

Let me ask you a high-level question…

Is your ability to come up with the initial 10% deposit on your investment property leaving you locked out from the property market?

If the answer is YES, then you need to book yourself into the live 2-Day Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend.

By attending this unique live 2-Day event, YOU’LL LEARN 5 WAYS TO BUY PROPERTY WITH NO MONEY DOWN, which include;

  1. 10% Deposit rebate from the developer at the settlement of the property.
  2. 10% Gifted deposit from the developer when buying property.
  3. Long term settlement, off-the-plan and settling on the valuation, not the contract price.
  4. Residential lending plus personal loans in order to obtain 100 percent finance.
  5. Buying properties via equity partners and joint ventures (JV’s).

And here is the really cool part of this live event;

Not only will I be covering each one of the 5 above topics in great detail, but Stephen McClatchie from Loans Australia, and I, will be showing you actual deals that I have personally put together for some of my private clients over the last 9 years.

So, if you feel that YOU HAVE MISSED OUT on an insane number of opportunities over the last 10 years, or if you’re NOT AWARE OF THE 5 STRATEGIES I’VE MENTIONED ABOVE, then this might just be the most important live educational event that you will attend this year!

So, reserve your tickets NOW!


Join me and 55 like-minded property investors at the upcoming live
2-Day Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend.

Book Real Estate Fast-Track Weekend

Seats are strictly limited so book NOW in order to avoid disappointment…


I look forward to meeting you at the event!

Yours in Success,